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Writer's pictureThe Spooked Chicken

The Spooked Chicken: Voices found at the Doherty Hotel reveal a Mother saying goodbye to her Son.

Last week The Spooked Chicken had the privilege of investigating the halls of this near century old hotel. The team was not disappointed with what was captured on their recorders.

Photo of the Doherty Hotel by Boyd Levitt.


The Spooked Chicken recently investigated the famous Doherty Hotel in Clare, Michigan. The team spent two nights investigating this haunted hotel and what they captured proved that two nights spent was not long enough.

The Team arrived on August 16th. As the team arrived they were familiar with the hotel, given they stopped by almost a month earlier to reserve their room (Click here to read that article) The team asked for a room in the original part of the building. However, what they did not know is that they no longer rent out those rooms. That makes the teams EVP captures from a month ago all the more spooky.

As the team arrived the team members started to unpack. Within the hour they were doing their first day investigation of the hotel. As they left the room they captured this EVP.

The team was asked "Did you bring a crib?" The crazy part about that EVP is that it was captured right as the team left their hotel room. The team had their one year old son with them. Showing that this haunting has cognizance of their surroundings.

That would prove to only be the tip of the iceberg with this haunting.


If you have read the previous article we did on the Doherty titled (EVP's from The Doherty Hotel create a sinister past filled with Mobsters & Loose Women of the 1920's.)

Then this next EVP would help paint a picture that the fun has not stopped for these mobsters and loose women. Take a listen.

"Poo-Bear" is what the team heard. Which makes all the sense in the world given that around twelve seconds later. The team captures this.

Yes, you are right. That sounds like a whole lot of passion.

It's important to note the team was passing the bar that is situated far from any rooms that the hotel checks out. They were around 500 feet from the nearest hallways that houses rooms people can stay in. So it would be safe to assume the speakeasy from the 1920's is still open for business.


Throughout the investigation the team captures EVP after EVP. Between the distant cry's for help, the sounds of passion and corks from champagne bottles popping the team captured something they never thought they would hear. Given that some of our team here at The Spooked Chicken have children, this EVP is a real tear-jerker.


To fill you in. The team was in the original part of the building. The part of the building that they no longer rent out. They are remodeling in April of 2020. The kind girl at the front desk was able to let us know that the ceiling was falling in on some of the rooms, so they have not rented out the rooms in quite some time.

The team was on the 3rd floor of the original part of the hotel. What they captured seemed to be a last goodbye between a mother and what she calls her little boy. Take a listen.

So this is what the Team believes is being said, in this order.

"Don't go. Hey mommy. Sobbing. My God don't leave. Let go Mommy. My baby boy."

It is important to note that during our research we could not find a time when the hotel was used as a hospital. However, while walking the downtown streets of Clare, and while enjoying some really good food at Timeout Tavern located right across from the Doherty Hotel, the team took a further walk and found this.

A block away from the Doherty Hotel sits Mid-Michigan Medical Center.

Is what the team captured just two spirits from this hospital that are now at the Doherty? You decide but as far as the team is concerned. We here at The Spooked Chicken just hope that that mother and little boy have found their peace.


The Spooked Chicken team are really pleased with what they have found so far during their investigation at the famous Doherty Hotel. We highly recommend a stay and we highly recommend the chicken nachos at the Timeout Tavern.


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