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Voice Captured in Millington, Michigan home leads The Spooked Chicken research team to 1920!

Writer's picture: The Spooked ChickenThe Spooked Chicken

Armed with three names; Hal, Gregory and Tabitha The Spooked Chicken hunts down their faces and tries to find their graves.

Millington Michigan


The Spooked Chicken is armed with a great research team, evident to the findings we are about to share.

How it started:

The Spooked Chicken conducted an investigation on this Millington, Michigan home starting back on June 28th, 2019. Within the first week of the investigation the team was able to capture some amazing EVP evidence along with some photo evidence and even some historical backing. (If you have not read those articles please click here) Within the white noise of the EVP session, the home was able to produce some great EVP's and, within the white noise, the voices rang out for help and sang out cries of desperation.

Even with all the great EVP evidence the team was only half way there.

One investigation conducted two weeks ago the team decided to leave a recorder in the home alone and hopefully they would find what the history of the home wanted to keep secret (if you have not read that article click here) This resulted in an EVP recording of a gunshot and what followed was the sound of a body dropping and then a sinister 'hey' can be heard coming through the speakers. This caused The Spooked Chicken, to try to figure out what history was not previously known about the house. This lead to 1962.


Research found from Millington-Arbela Library and Millington Historical Society

With the help of the Millington-Arbela Library and Millington Historical Society The Spooked Chicken team was able to find the plat books, and what The Spooked Chicken found may help them understand why they are getting the EVP's they are.


The First Investigation:

The first investigation The Spooked Chicken conducted at the home in Millington, Michigan gave the team a hot bed of activity. From class A voice recordings like...

To photo evidence such as...

Black mass appears in hallway during EVP session.

The Spooked Chicken wanted to know exactly what was going on. The team found out that the history of the land would take them further back then the 1962 records the library had. The documents The Spooked Chicken acquired from the Millington-Arbela Library showed that records from 1920-1962 and during that time the land that the home was built on was vacant. This shocked the research team because why would three acres between forty acres of farm land to the North and 31 acres of land to the South sat the three acres of vacant land for what reason? Insert the help from the Historical Society.

With the recordings of the names Hal, Gregory and Tabitha the team looked through hundreds of obituaries trying to find these names and to place them somewhere near the land. Given that this haunting seemed residual (A act of trauma from the past plays over and over) they knew that it had to be something that was connected either to a item that was within the home, or the home itself.

Millington Michigan (Unknown Year)

The Spooked Chicken sought out the guidance of the Millington Historical Society to find out exactly what records they would have on the land. With no luck of finding anything not even the land. A gentleman who is a member of the Millington Historical Society overheard that the investigation was at a stand still and suggested to look in Arbela County. Given there where no roads on the map, the investigation team was having a good time trying to place exactly where they wanted to look. As the gentlemen grabbed the map and flipped it around a couple of times he pointed at a plot of land and said 'There is where you are looking for'. To the amazement of The Spooked Chicken there in black in white was the first name The Spooked Chicken received, from what ever was willing to talk on the EVP, sitting there on the map before them the name Hal Hunt.

The land that the home belonged to (in 1920's) was that of Hal Hunt. He owned the land as far as the research team can conclude from 1920-1950's. The Spooked Chicken got their first name crossed off the list.

The Spooked Chicken could not find a death record of Hal Hunt and searched through several grave yards and through countless cemeteries trying to find this man from the recording above. What ever happened to H. Hunt and where his remains have ended up is still unsolved. (Any information that could help resolve this part of the investigation please contact The Spooked Chicken.)

Possible other explanations to Hal Hunt:

*The team was able to find a Halbert Gregory who died in the 1980's, however this individual did not have any connection to the land or to the family of the home. So you decide*


The Spooked Chicken still had two other names to find. They moved on to Tabitha, a voice they captured about a week after Hals name shown on audio.

This sadly will be a quick remark to the infamous EVP of the whisper Tabitha. Weeks where spent trying to figure out exactly who or why this name would appear. The team spoke with the homeowners and no family member by that name has ever been. Then they tracked down home records from 1902-1962 (The home owners bought the home from a family who built the home in 1970's). 1970 to present day is well documented. So Tabitha would of had to of been from an earlier time.

During this investigation The Spooked Chicken researched everything they could think of. They went through hundreds of obituaries just to see if a next of kin named Tabitha was ever mentioned. Not one. With the help of the home owners they went through countless amounts of yearbooks and even contacted the neighbors to get their history on their homes to see what happened. Not one Tabitha.

Sadly, this part of their investigation into this Millington, Michigan home is still anyone's guess on who or what is looking for their sister Tabitha.


One part of the investigation that left The Spooked Chicken breathless was the sound of the gun shot and the body drop, then the sound of a sinister 'hey' into the recorder. Have a listen.

This part of the investigation lead the team to a stand still. No record of a tragedy fitting this description occurred on this property. Along with the spirit in the attic speaking out. Have a listen.

Both of these EVP's do not correlate with the history of the home, land, or town. As far as The Spooked Chicken can conclude. These are mysterious voice's that have no leads. (If you have any information of tragedy that might have happened that would explain these EVP's any lead would be welcomed).


Summary of Haunting:

The Spooked Chicken was able to go back to 1920 and find the face to the one of the voices that are haunting this Millington, Michigan home. The Spooked Chicken conducted this investigation during June and July of 2019. We here at the Spooked Chicken do plan on continuing our investigation as long as the family will have us back. We want to find information to who Gregory might be and hopefully we are going to eventually return Tabitha to her brother. Hopefully, the recordings in the future will grant us the information we need to help these voices become echos of the past, and help them find their peace.

We believe this home suffers from a residual haunting (Examples include; unexplained gun shot and body drop, commotion heard when recorder was left alone). We do believe some of the voices we are capturing are intelligent in nature as well (What ship will come? The mixed hello's and hey's to grant our attention. The key recording be 'Help me Mother-F*****)

We will still be writing articles on this home. We will be sharing the EVP's we are still gathering, with permission from the family, there will be a lot more to come. We are moving forward with an investigation into the Doherty Hotel in Clare (Starting next week we will be sharing a article on the Doherty Hotel's past) and we will be investigating some local cemeteries as well!

Case Updates: Ongoing Investigation.


Our time in Millington Michigan:

Millington Michigan 2018

Millington, Michigan is a lovely community with plenty to offer during these summer months; camping, fishing, hiking (along the Millington Hills) and beautiful local golf courses make this small town of 1,009 warrant a stay. Local restaurants such as Cardinal's Pizza or Millington Pizza & more are worth a try. These restaurant's will for sure round up for a great dinner (our team loves pizza). If you want a killer breakfast (no pun intended) McPherson's Family Restaurant is the place to go. If you are warm and would like to cool down try Curly Cone ice cream, their blueberry blasters are to die for (no pun intended). This small town offer's a lot. This next month (Aug 7th-11th) come celebrate their 2019 Millington Summer Festival. (For more information click here).

While speaking with locals we found a few other haunted locations in this small town. Fairway Market and the Antique Mall (pictured above) based on this haunting Millington, Michigan offers even more than what we can see.

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