We here at The Spooked Chicken offer up a competition for our readers. The person who shares the best scary story or experience will have an article featuring them and what they had to share, lets see what they had to say!

Congratulations !!!! Joseph White, the Imlay City, Michigan native! Joseph is a happy husband and father of one. On his spare time he is a hunter and enjoys classic rock music. Joseph has been in Michigan since his father moved his family from Nebraska to come back home to his grandmother back in 1975.
Joseph and I have been in contact over the weeks discussing exactly who we at The Spooked Chicken are, where we are located, and why we started doing this. Joseph was kind enough to submit his story through our email after seeing one of our posts on Facebook. In particular the one that covered the sighting of the Wendigo.
"Most of your posts on your website and Facebook have been about spirits and stuff like that" Joseph said in a text to our team leader Boyd Levitt. "It was strange really when I read about the Wendigo your team captured because I have a similar story" Joseph had our attention.
Here is Josephs story.
"Ever since my father was a boy our family have been avid hunters. Across the line we have done everything we could just simply to get out in the woods and hunt. I learned how to shoot a gun when I was six and ever since then, every hunting season, I make it my mission to not have to get any of my meat from the store." Joseph said
"It was an evening in Mid October some years ago. I had my bow and I always make sure that I walk around with one notched. You never know what will come out and surprise you. This day was different. The whole day I did not hear a thing. Didn't even see a bird or any sort of life out there with me. It was just strange." Joseph said.
Now Joseph has been an avid hunter since a child. He and I have had multiple conversations. What he told me I did not see coming.
"So when I was about to call it a day I was heading down my blind heading back towards the cabin we rent out during the season. It was strange, it just felt off like there was something watching you. Which made me think of the drive up here." Joseph continues
"The whole time we where driving up there we happened to hear on the radio station the previous day reporting of UFO's in the area. It was strange me and my father in-law where hearing these people talking about seeing these types of things and we just where laughing calling them drunks and they're blaming UFO's on not getting any deer. Stuff like that just having a good time with it." Joseph said.

"I finally get back to the cabin and my father in-law was already back. He was making dinner and I didn't want to tell him about feeling like someone was watching me on my walk back to the cabin. I just wanted to eat, go to sleep, and head home after the weekend of deer getting away. The radio that night were taking calls on people seeing odd light formations. There was even a caller who said he was thinking about shooting at one of them, we just laughed and went to bed." Joseph said.
"So the next morning, on the drive back down from our cabin we heard the same radio station taking calls from people saying they're seeing these things flying right above the road. Me and my father in-law broke in laughter, we couldn't hold in our laughter. We are not those kinds of people that believe in things like UFO's or aliens. Our laugh was broke when we we hit a intersection and the person on the radio was saying it was heading down our street heading right at us." Joseph said.
"Me and my father in-law looked at each-other and he turned to me and said." 'Why don't you and I get out of the car and see if we see anything?'
"So we did. We got out of the car and stood waiting, watching. Nothing. Not a sound. So we got back in the car. As we closed the doors I happened to see something in the mirror attached to my door. I slowly turned around and saw something hovering over the mountain we just drove past."
"It was as wide as the mountain, it was light grey, cigar shaped and it looked light there where panels of glass on the sides. My father in-law got out of the car with me and we just stared at it. Not a noise not a sound and no animals, not even the sounds of birds at 8:30 in the morning surrounded by woods."
"I looked at it. He looked at it, and there was no exhaust nothing. Just a football field sized UFO over top of a mountain and the only thing we hear is our truck engine humming. Then we saw the glass panels begin to move and then boom. Gone. Like it vanished out of thin air. I looked at my father in-law he looked at me and then we got in the car and didn't speak for about 50 miles. Then he looks at me and says. Well, now we know why we did not get any deer."

Joseph then adds "So when we saw the article of the wendigo we believed that there must be other stuff out there other than just ghosts. So I was happy to share our story with you guys."
We will leave it up to you readers to determine if you believe Joseph and his father in-law. Let us know in the comment section below! These articles we share every month are stories submitted to us, by you, our readers. So you decide.
If you would like your story to be featured by us here at The Spooked Chicken. The way to do it is to comment your story on one of our Instagram or Facebook post. You can also submit your paranormal encounter directly using our website.
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